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Welcome to The Chaun Vaughn Show| My 40+ Life, an exciting online show that celebrates life, love, and connection. I I I am Chaun Vaughn, the owner of Vaughn Media, LLC. As an author, National Speaker & Trainer, and media entrepreneur, I have always been passionate about creating content that entertains and inspires people.

With My 40+ Life, I have found an outlet to share my love for entertaining and connecting people. As the host of the show, I take my viewers on a journey that explores the joys, challenges, and triumphs of life after 40. Through engaging interviews, lively discussions, and thought-provoking segments, I bring together a diverse range of voices and perspectives to showcase the richness and diversity of the human experience.

This year, in 2024, I am thrilled to incorporate a love of mine, Music. We look forward to showcasing up-and-coming artists and musicians right here on my show.


Whether you're in your 40s or beyond, or just curious about what life has in store for you, My 40+ Life offers something for everyone. With its dynamic mix of humor, heart, and insight, the show provides a window into the world of midlife and beyond and offers valuable insights and inspiration for anyone looking to make the most of their own journey.


So come along and join me on this exciting adventure as we explore the many facets of life after 40. Whether we're laughing, learning, or simply enjoying the company of good friends, My 40+ Life is the perfect place to celebrate the joy of living and connecting with others

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